Monday, July 30, 2012



Moving on from Insanity Month 1 to Month 2, I was a little nervous. First of all, I have never completed a fitness program. Secondly, I know how crazy Month 1 is and I had just really got used to it. And Third, the Recovery Week, I fell in LOVE with Core Cardio and Conditioning. It is a great workout and doing it every day, I knew what to expect and could improve daily on the routine.
Now we get into Insanity Month 2. I finished up Week 1 on Saturday. OMG, Insanity Month 2 feels like starting all over. Some of the moves, I could not do very well so I had to modify. Some of the moves like the side suicide jumps or side pushups (?) I could not do fast at all, so I only got in a few each rotation.
Okay, I expected it to be a step up but I was so confident in myself after getting those moves down in Month 1 that at first I felt slightly let down. I knew that I was NOT GOING TO QUIT, but I needed to get my mindset back in order. The program is designed to Challenge you. So moving on to the next phase of any program should honestly be a Challenge. REALITY CHECK!!
So how did I get my mindset correct??
I REFLECTED ON MY PROGRESS DURING MONTH 1. I remember not being able to do much during Week 1 and Week 2. I was so tired and felt so out of shape, out of breath and felt like "what did I get myself into, I don't know if I could do this." By Week 3, I was feeling great. I knew the moves, I was faster and stronger. Week 4, I felt like a Champion.
This is, in my mind how Month 2 should be. The workouts are about 10-12 minutes longer, so I’m going to feel tired especially during the first few days. Week 1 is like an intro to the moves, the intensity, and the time.  I’m in Week 2, (I finished up Day 2 today.)  Since I’ve been introduced the moves now I can push harder for proper form and more reps. By Week 3, I should be at a point where I know the workouts, I’m stronger and I’m able to do the exercises quicker.  And Week 4- completing the program will be VICTORY, on so many levels.
 I know I’ve posted this before somewhere but…

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