Monday, August 6, 2012

Prepare for Success

One way we can take control of our nutrition is to PLAN ahead.  Knowing what we will eat and when, helps to keep us Calm.  It just does. Whenever we know what we are going to eat, once we get hungry, we SIMPLY eat.  When we have NO CLUE what we will eat, we get anxious. We start to move around frantically. Our thoughts become consumed with “What is there to eat? What am I going to have now?” And we sometimes overdo it, eating whatever we get our hands on first, while we figure out what our REAL meal will be.
That’s Just Dangerous! And could just Blow Up all the hard work we have put into eating well.

So, although we cannot plan for each and every occasion, let’s begin by making it a habit of planning 1 or 2 meals a day- EVEN if our day takes us away from our “normal” day to day schedule.

Here’s an example:

I know that a few days during the week, I may end up taking my kids out during the day. This outing could be a quick errand or a fun-filled day that keeps us from home for hours.
On those long days, I plan ahead. Sure I have a lunch etc, planned for them. But typically, I enjoy my Shakeology at lunchtime. So Now What about me?

I already have myself covered. Here’s what I do.  I prepare my favorite blend of Shakeology the night before. Once the shake is done, I pour it into my insulated cup and stick it in the freezer-Overnight.  If we out around 9 or 10 am, by noon my shake is beginning to slush up. I can now enjoy my planned out Shake and not succumb to the anxiety of not knowing what to eat.  Then if I decide to add more fruit or another snack to my meal I can but now, I am much more relaxed and can make a better food choice.

What’s convenient about Shakeology is that it also comes in individual serving packets. Keep a packet or two in your car, your desk or purse to ensure you have a healthy alternative with you at all times.  Start with simple steps to plan ahead, practice those steps and soon you will make it a habit.

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