Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Workouts

Since summer is officially here, I will likely be hitting the beach often. I love to just chill and read a good book, watch the kids play, get a swim or two in and build a fort or two as well. Since I will be beach bound often, I want to figure out ways to intensify the calories I burn in order to get a little workout in- without working out, you know what I mean. Swimming is one thing, but with small children, I just can't hop in and do a few laps and keep an eye on them. I was thinking of doing a little more calorie burning on land. And I'm not yet the workout enthusiast who will do a complete circuit of squats, lunges and pushups midday on the beach

So I've come up with a couple activities that I am going to try and incorporate every time I hit the beach this summer

Walking in the sand.... definitely going to do this more especially on the long beaches. Sand walking burns more calories because it’s more difficult than walking on even pavement. Plus, if we get to the beach early enough, the serenity and calmness of the lake would be beautiful.

Volleyball/Beach ball.... tossing around a big ball and keeping it air born would be a good workout. Plus it’s fun and competitive!! Maybe a Frisbee too, (but I don’t catch that well.)

Flying Kites.... There is usually some open space nearby where no one’s lying at the bigger beaches. Since volunteering at kid’s school for kite day, I've become quite the kite fanatic. So I will dust off the kites in the trunk and maybe find a couple unique ones and fly 'em high this summer.

Like I've stated, I only come up with a few activities on land that everyone can enjoy and that would keep me moving. Please share any ideas you may have to SNEAK a workout in this summer at the beach. Keeping fit is about making it apart of your everyday life and keeping yourself surrounded by a good support system!

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