Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Best Water I've Ever Had

Sometimes it's difficult to get the recommended servings of water per day. Drinking water, although we know its good for us, just doesn't always happen.  Myself included, I literally have to track how much water I've drank a day by counting how many times I've filled up my water bottle.  And, the water I drink during a workout doesn't count, for obvious reasons. 

Why is it so difficult to get in our water??

One of the main reasons, I've heard is TASTE. A lot of people just don't enjoy the taste and therefore don't drink enough or any at all per day. A glass of cold water can be super refreshing on a hot day or during a serious workout, but in regular settings, it may not be so appealing.  Here are a few facts about water and a few things that we all can do to increase our liking and excitement for WATER.

A Few Reasons To Keep Hydrated
WATER keeps are skin beautiful.  Have you ever seen a face that looks dry and parched?? Water keeps our skin supple and helps fight against premature aging
Water helps us lose weight. Tons of studies on this, but in short water helps flush toxins out our bodies and plays an essential role in our bodies' ability to burn fat. Plus, sometimes when we think we are hungry, we are really thirsty. So drinking water first can prevent us from overeating.
Water keeps us regular: Even though talking about bathroom behavior can be rather taboo, it's important to our overall health to have regular moving bowels and water makes that process a lot smoother.
Water energizes us. When we are dehydrated, we are weak and tired. Keeping ourselves hydrated prevents this.

Habits To Build
Make it a habit to drink at least 6-8 oz with every meal.  That will knock out 24 oz right there.

Keep a water bottle in your bag or purse, at your computer or work area, in the stroller, in your car etc.  This way you can get in another 8oz while commuting, out with the kids or working.

Now for the best part.....
The Best Water Ever
The BEST WATER I've ever had was in a resort. Every day, the water was filled with fresh fruit.  A definite upgrade from the lemon or lime wedge. Don't get me wrong, I typically drink water with lemon daily just to cut that "tap" taste. But at this resort, everyday was something different- melon, oranges, mangoes, lemons, cucumbers, mint, nectarines, blueberries, lemongrass. They had endless varieties that made water truly enjoyable. Absolutely something worth trying at home.  Just slice up your fruit of choice and drop into your pitcher. Add water and chill.  The taste is so refreshing and delightful. It surely will help you to get your daily doses of water in and keep you excited about it.

Let Me Know How You Like It!!!