Sunday, June 17, 2012

Losing Control

Sometimes we lose control. After a long 3 day weekend with family, I fell victim. Victim to eating for no reason or eating the wrong foods for good reason.  For instance, I was terribly sleepy at various moments and instead of maybe just going ahead and having a cup of iced coffee prepared in a decent matter, I ate candy. To make matters worse, a starburst here and a twix there, did nothing for me. So for some crazy reason, I thought that I may need to eat a few more pieces to get the "sugar high" and wake up. Nope. Proud to say that the usual potato salad didn't get me this time. I was not even a little interested. Very suprised that I had succumbed to candy, I'm not that kinda girl.

Well, even though I fell victim to foodbombs a few times this weekend and felt horrible afterward, they are not my defeat. Once I got home this evening, we picked and sauteed fresh bok choi from the garden. Enjoyed that with brown rice and grilled turkey.  It felt so good to be home and feel in control. If you lose track, getting right back on starts with the very next meal.  Don't feel as if you've blown your whole case. Being fit and healthy is an ongoing, everyday kinda thing. Over time, we will gain better control over day to day situations but its good to know that in the event that we slip up and fall that we can get right back up and change directions.

A great way to get back in control is to do the Shakeology Cleanse. The main point of the Shakeology Cleanse is not calorie restriction but nutrient richness. The aim is to get the most nutrients into your body with the fewest calories consumed. These calories are to fuel your workouts and detoxify and hydration into homeostasis. The result with this cleanse to have your body run more efficiently and the weight loss is just an added benefit that most experience (you can lose anywhere from 3lbs to 10lbs in just 3 days!!). It's a food way to jump start your weight loss and fitness routine.

I will start the Shakeology cleanse on June 25th. Care to join me and start or continue your journey to Be Fit!!

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