Monday, August 5, 2013

Meal Plan Monday

Here is my meal plan for the week of August 5th.

Again we will be utilizing much from our garden for vegetables at breakfast, salads at lunch and veggie sides at dinner. We also toss spinach, kale, Swiss chard or Bok Choy in the blender when we prepare our shakes.  Meats for the week will include chicken, turkey and steak. Love to include protein at every snack. Cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs and string cheese are my faves at snack time.
Here are some pics from last week meals.
Last week went fairly ok. Our first Wednesday "Earth Day" of clean vegan inspired eating went fairly well.  Since we spent a large portion of the day running errands we packed the car with snacks like lots of fresh fruit, baby carrots and almonds. The problem I think was that we felt more like we were snacking all day versus eating meals. It's not that that's a bad thing.  It's just kind of different thing. And then there was also a point where the kids and my husband felt like they ran out of options.
This week I will have more options available to them and have a new dinner recipe for us to try out. The kids loved having a large bowl of fresh fruit salad for breakfast and juicing later during the day. So we will keep that part in the plan.
We attended 2 parties this weekend that switched up my meal plan in the evening. My meal plans are a guide for me when my schedule is pretty typical. When I remember that I am supposed to be somewhere else, like a party, I make changes in my normal eating routine to accommodate for eating away from home. I usually will eat and drink and possibly have dessert while out. That's just me. So on those days, I simply had a Shakeology in morning and snacked on fruits and vegetables and drank tea and water before heading out to those functions.

BONUS- I weighed myself this week and I am finally pushing past a plateau. Down a couple more pounds and I know that my midsection is tighter and more toned. Will take measurements next Monday.

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