Monday, January 20, 2014

Tighten Up Tuesday- Inner Thighs!

One of my favorite features are my legs. I was able to keep them pretty toned by combining specific exercise with a good diet and a good workout programs. Then I had babies and my family life seemed to takeover much of my time and I started to lose some of that tone. It's back though but I continue to work to maintain the tone.  I'm cute, but lets face it, I aint no spring chicken, lol. 

Its crucial to know the right leg toning exercises combined with a clean diet and a cardio program. My favorite program to effectively shape the legs and but is Brazil Butt Lift. Within the first week, you will definitely begin to see the difference in your legs. Its 30 days and low impact. Here are a couple toning exercises specifically for the inner thighs if that's your trouble zone. They are also featured in the Brazil Butt Lift workout but with variation and resistance. 

Contact Your Coach (Me!!) 
for more info on finding a fitness program that works for you!

Exercises adapted from

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