Thursday, October 2, 2014

I'm Not a Runner But....

I don't consider myself a runner. It's not really my thing. But, I do enjoy getting out the house and getting out on the lakefront. I'm pretty sure that's what I like most. I kinda like running through the park but there are so many distractions and people to distract, lol. I prefer the lakefront for the calmness and because for that hour or two I feel alone with just my thoughts and my music. 

I DO like organized races. I set a goal this spring to run The Biggest Loser half marathon in August. It was here in Chicago, along the lakefront.  It was a phenomenal experience on several levels for me. However, what I enjoyed seeing most was the fight. Some people could barely walk but they were out there to do 13 miles of it. I saw couples and families and best friends supporting each other and I was really inspired by that. It's a great feeling to see people of all ages, sizes and abilities out there. They set a goal and they are out to get it done. I love to see that kind of passion and determination. Its contagious. 

I'm not a runner but I've decided to sign up for one more race. Its coming up in about 5 weeks. Its the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k. I'm not too sure if the course is lakefront, so that will be different experience for me. I'm sure it will be scenic though and will get me inspired to get back out running for the next month.  I haven't been out to intentionally run in about 6 weeks but I will start back running 2 times a week, starting Oct 6th. This is in addition to my current Focus T25 and soon to be 21 Day Fix workout schedule.  

I signed up to do the 15k. Compared to that half marathon (13 miles) in the August heat, 9 miles is definitely doable. Its still a challenge but I absolutely know I can finish it strong.  This time possibly, I will start timing myself just for fun and to watch my progress throughout the month.  The weather should be cool but pleasant which for me seems to be better weather to train in. But what do I know? I have to find a runner to ask.

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