Sunday, January 11, 2015

Meal Plan Monday

 Meal Plan For The Week

This is basically the meal plan I will follow this week. I know, I know. Its only a mealplan for 1 day. I will follow this as a guide and swap out where necessary. But yea, I will basically eat the same kinds of food everyday this week.  I have a busy week this week and the simpler the better.
 Its not a perfect but it does fall within the Nutrition to the Max guidelines from Insanity Max:30 program. 

Daily Goals
4 Veggies/ 3 Fruits/ 4 Proteins/ 2 Carbs/ 1 Healthy Fat/ 1 Seed or Dressing/ 2 Oils or Nut Butters 

10 ounces of Warm Lemon Water every morning
80 ounces of water per day 
30 minutes of Exercise

Pineapple 1C
Greek Yogurt 3/4C

Chocolate Shakeology
Blueberries 1C

10 almonds

Warm Salad
Spinach 1C
Lettuce 1C
Brocolli 1/2 C
Peppers 1/4C
Egg 1 boiled
Ground turkey or Chicken Breast 3/4c
Mozzarella  1/8C (optional)
Black Beans (1/2c optional)

Night Snack

Hope this helps you plan out your meals for this week. 
Thanks for stopping by!
Comment below and let me know 
what you are planning to have this week.

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