Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What's Your Strongest Muscle?

Glutes?? Biceps??
What muscle is your strongest?
You know what it is??
Your brain is the most complex and strongest muscle you have.

Mind over Matter...
It's been said that the way we think can influence our health and our well being. What we think about usually comes to be. It's true in some cases. For instance, when we say,"I'm going to be sleepy." Then just like that we are super tired.

Many of our biggest challenges are Challenges though because we allow ourselves to think that they are impossible. We defeat ourselves from the getgo by "creating" this unachievable challenge in our minds. We have to switch gears from negative thinking to positive thinking. When its done, something amazing happens. Your mind takes control of you. You can start to see good in situations. You start to feel as if you can accomplish much and you act on that feeling. You begin to see the reward for using your most powerful muscle. Because of positive thinking and positive self talk, I go into a situation now believing I can find a way to handle it versus thinking I will fail.... And I'm usually going to succeed.

Think about this the next time you set a goal to complete some form of exercise or when you desire to clean up your diet. Think and say that you can do it. Believe that you can and act like you can. Success is the reward.

Matter over Mind...
I'm going to explore both sides of this because I love the effect that positive thinking has had on my life. But, I also know that it takes some time to make that switch. We are all surrounded by negativity. It's ingrained in our everyday life, from our closest family members to complete strangers. Internally we negatively talk and listen to ourselves all the time. You know it.  How many times have you said that you hated something about your appearance or said "I'm not good at this." "I'm not meant to be..."etc. It takes some practice to get out of that habit.

So we have to reverse the common saying "Mind over matter." Matter may have to be first. I'm a believer in just doing it til it becomes natural and keep doing it until your mind follows suit. In fact, I started my weight loss journey this way. I wasn't fully convinced I could lose weight anymore. Lord knows I've tried several ways over the past 4 years and mentally I just wasn't sure. It took me getting up and JUST DOING IT. Everyday following a meal plan. Everyday getting my workout done. I acted as if I was losing weight even though I really didn't know. Eventually, my mind crossed over and started believing.

Action for me changed my thinking and internal feelings. Action (even when I didn't want to) developed self confidence and increased my positive thinking. It created for me a feeling of success everyday even though I knew I had a long road ahead. Taking action helped me to now BELIEVE my mind.

Don't wait until you mentally feel like doing it. Who knows when that day will come. Take action even when your mind is not in agreement and eventually your mind WILL change.  

For some, allowing the most powerful muscle to take control of their thoughts produces action and success. For others, getting into action and working hard first is necessary to convince them to believe. Whichever way works for you at the moment, Work It!!


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