Monday, December 10, 2012

My New Loves! Greek Yogurt and Quinoa!!

One of my new favorite foods is Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt.

 I only get the fat free Fage Greek yogurt and I use it for everything.  The protein content is super- typical serving will get you about 15-20 grams of protein. Protein keeps us fuller younger and helps in building stronger muscles. Its also lower in carbs and sugars than most low fat yogurts.
I do still enjoy other yogurt brands. I just dont buy them as often. Trying out Greek yogurt has helped me to wean myself off of the sweetened alternatives. And who doesn't want to eat less sugar- even if it is artificial. If I want to enjoy my Greek yogurt sweetened as a snack, I may add fruit like blueberries or pineapples or even almonds and add a teaspoon or two of honey.

Taco Salad with a Big Dollop of Greek Yogurt instead of Sour Cream
One item I have stopped buying altogether is sour cream. I substitute Greek yogurt for all dishes where I once used sour cream. Because its texture is much creamier than regular yogurt it stands up well to cooking. Greek yogurt is now in my recipe for macaroni, deviled eggs, dips for veggies, sauces and tacos. I also add it to my shakes and smoothies.

My other new favorite is QUINOA.

Quinoa is seed considered a whole grain. It has the highest protein content of any whole grain and is a good source of fiber and iron. It is so nutrient rich. It is so worth trying out.
Quinoa is prepared similar to the way you would prepare rice. Cover it with broth or water and boil. Then allow the quinoa to absorb the liquid. Season with olive oil and sea salt or other spices. Ready in 10-15 minutes. Replace your rice or pasta in your meal or have your quinoa as salad with other chopped vegetables, beans or meat. There are even a few breakfast recipes that I have yet to try that feature quinoa prepared and eaten similar to oatmeal or cold cereal.
If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest buying a seasoned boxed version first. I now buy in bulk but it must be rinsed thoroughly first which could be a little challenging and discouraging because of the size of the grain. If you have tried quinoa, please share your favorite recipes. I personally love the texture and nuttiness of quinoa and try to have it on the dinner table twice a week.
Bonus!! My kids love it so I don't have to threaten them to finish their dinner.

Two GREAT FOODS worth adding to your diet. Be Well!!

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