Monday, December 3, 2012

What Lessons The Scale Has Taught Me- Part 1

What I learned from the scale not moving.

Success is not a straight line. This goes for pretty much any endeavor. Since we are talking about scales, the topic and endeavor right here... is weight loss.


The scale has taught me patience, endurance and trust.  I've learned to appreciate how toned my arms are now and how my clothing feels vs. looking for validation from a “magic number." Measuring tapes, my energy levels, my skin are now my gauges for my health and progress. Plus, I love to take pics of myself because I trust in myself that much more. I trust that I am going to make the changes and progress necessary to get where I want to be.
Honestly, I usually avoid the scale. But there are the times when I do so well with my diet and exercise, I’m tempted to take a look at it. Preparing for disappointment, I tell myself that even if the scale doesn’t show my progress yet, my body feels the difference. Whether it be healthier from better food choices, or stronger and leaner from building muscle- I have learned that when I focus on the BIG picture, what I will be 6 months from now or a year down the line, I don’t complain about the scale today.

I dont complain...
about a workout being too hard or a meal that seems like its going to be nasty. I'm open to trying new things. Maybe trying it several times til I get it just right. Negative thoughts about my lot in life or my husband or kids or best friends, or my family, or me not having enough time, or the right shoes- do not enter my mind.

I know that NO ONE decides for me. I am in CONTROL.

The past 5 months I have learned to KEEP going. I'm developing lifestyle habits that I can share with others and pass on to those closest to me.  Ive learned that where people usually give up, I DON'T.
That makes me feel AWESOME!!!

Focus on the positive outcome that lies ahead. 
Future progress ONLY comes with continuance.


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