Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That Plate Looks Nasty!!

I've recently got a few comments regarding the foods I ENJOYED on the Ultimate Reset. I just want to address comments in regards to the foods
 "looking too healthy" or "not looking as good"
as I expressed.

My MAIN Goal is to inspire by sharing my own personal experiences. What I learned most over the past 7 months as a Beachbody Coach is that everyone NEEDS some form of support. This is why I do what I do. I'm no chef and I dont always have a photographer on hand so everything is not always picture perfect. What I can give you is my authenticity. It's REAL!!  I have been a pretty good eater most of my life but there will always be tons of foods, spices and meal prep methods out there to try.

Gradually, I have started to LOVE certain healthy foods and desire less other foods that I thought I couldn't "live" without. Never thought I could go thru a month without sugar, meat, bread, wine, milk, gum, cheese and the list goes on and on. Honestly, I can say that although I have loved cheese my whole life, I don't even desire to overindulge in it as I used to.  This is because I thoroughly Enjoy so many other foods now. My most recent discovery was beans and beets. These things were unheard of in my house.

When you decide to expand your food horizons you see what you have been missing.
Here are a few simple steps to gradually begin to experience
new foods.

Fresh foods. Incorporate more colorful fresh foods into each meal. This way you will gradually eat less processed foods.
Small steps. Add to foods you already eat. For instance, put spinach on your pizza or add broccoli to your soup or add a salad as a side to one meal a day.
Try something new. Decide to try one new healthy meal a week or at least once a month.

When I started doing these 3 things regularly, I started to see results. I felt more energized, experienced less bloating, lost weight and started really enjoying simpler meals.
You can enjoy meals that are not soaked in butter or sauce. You can enjoy meals where Meat is not the highlight. You do not have to be a vegetarian to enjoy vegetables. You can eventually enjoy life without sugar or fried foods. I'm saying this because I know. I doubted but I tried it and I survived and it's not "too healthy"!  It has actually been very satisfying. Try it!!! You may just find a few new healthy foods to fall in love with.

Remember that every healthy choice counts.
In the end, not only should eating balanced be about losing weight, it should also be about feeling good, having more energy, and reducing your risk of cancer and disease.

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