Thursday, October 24, 2013

Broiled Grapefruit and Kale Chips

Last week, I tried out a couple new snack ideas that have been on my list to try for a while. Broiled Grapefruit was one. 
The recipe I had called for 2 Tablespoons White Granulated Sugar and 2 Teaspoons Brown Sugar. The sugar is necessary for the grapefruit to brown and caramelize. As you can see from my photo below, mine did not brown completely on top. Well, I just didn't want to use so much sugar. I used about half of what the recipe called for and stuck the grapefruit halves in the oven broiler 550 degrees. After about 7 minutes, took them out. Since they did not brown completely, I put a teaspoon of rum on top of each and used the torch to complete. 
Haha, you take your pick. Sugar or rum! I chose rum this day.

I like grapefruit so this was pretty tasty for me. Warm, little bit of bitterness and lots of sweetness. Next time I will have it with honey and maybe granola for some crunch.

Broiled Grapefruit- Torch

I also tried Kale Chips. From what I've read they are a little tricky to make. Oven temperature and cook times differ across the board so this is a recipe you certainly have to experiment for yourself a few times. I drizzled about 2 tbls olive oil over a batch of freshly washed kale. Sprinkled salt, paprika and parmesan cheese. Tossed everything nice and layered it on a cookie sheet. 

Kale Before- Tossed with olive oil, parmesean, salt, and paprika

My first batch were in the over for 7 minutes at 325 and were too crispy. The second batch was much better and so was the third. I liked it, didn't love it. And I do Love kale. I guess if I ever try them again, they will get better and better. 
However, I did like the kale before it went in the oven. It was so yummy! 

Kale After- Crunchy with a little softness. Not bad.

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