Monday, February 24, 2014

Meal Plan Monday!

This is my mealplan for the week. Friday-Sunday I will be doing the 3 Day Quick Fix so my meals will pretty much be the same all 3 days. I will just be sure to season well. I need a 3 Day Quick Fix considering this weekend I ate out at a seafood kitchen and ordered dessert too and I also had some fresh baked oatmeal pecan cookies. Not that either is bad but I did not keep track of either. And Im not getting on the scale! The Day After I eat a restaurant dinner I am always like 6 pounds heavier. So I will update my weight loss for the 21 Days sometime next week.

Week 3 is double workouts. So starting Tuesday, I will wake up a half hour earlier to get one workout and then get in the other about an hour after dinner each evening.

Here is my simple meal plan. Its pretty straight forward following the guidelines provided in the Fix Meal Guide. I may swap out different veggies and I may also swap out a fish for shrimp as well. 

I will post pics and recipes on FB during the week and then update pics here next week.
Connect with me:
Coach Lanise 
I can help you earn and income while getting fit!
Email me for more information.

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