Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Guess My Weight!!!!

Guess What???
I wont tell. Not yet anyways.

Ive decided to share my weight publicly and this is a HUGE Deal for me! I just gave my husband a clue last year (hes asked a few times). He hasnt known my weight since the birth of the twins in almost 8 years ago, lol.

I dont make a Huge deal over weight, namely because I feel that if my clothing fit comfortably and if I feel confident in what I have on, I dont care.

Truth of the matter is...
I Hate to look at the scale.
And the scale Hates me Back!

But, it seems to me after all my hard work this year, my waistline is trying to get a little thicker and Im not having it. Its not even the love handle fat. Its more like, the pregnant look (Not!) 

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