Monday, August 17, 2015

Im a Heavy Girl

I cant believe I just said that but....
Im 190 lbs!
There- I said it.

There were quite a few people who guessed that I was around the 140-150 lbs range. But it seemed, as time went on, as more ladies with similar body types took a good look, the estimates got closer or right on the money. At this weight, I generally wear a size 10 in jeans and M tops.

I have always kept my weight a secret because Ive always been heavier. Throughout highschool, I always weighed about 20 lbs more than my friends, even if we wore the same size. My friends would be 120-135 meanwhile, Im 145-155.  For the friends who had a clue, they couldnt understand why and how.  As an adult, when I would go to my yearly physicals at the doctors office, if the triage nurse had a manual scale, she never would start it at the 150 mark. Then she would make a comment like, "oh I didnt expect you to be that heavy."

Kidding. But really, Hahaha

Being a Slim heavy-weight gave me a complex.

So, being heavier has never been something I was proud of. I am learning though to accept it. I build muscle easily. I had more of an athletic build in my 20s. I naturally have broad shoulders and a fat behind. But particularly after having children and getting older I suppose, my body weight settles more in the lower region. I'm a pear or an endomorph body type.

Even if I go into beast mode and work my butt off to lose x amount of weight or build x amount of muscle, I will never look long and lean.  Thats NOT my body. I will likely look sick and unhealthy. The comparison game stops here.

So Im losing the mindset thats been holding me back.  Im no longer afraid to share that Im 
heavier than most my size.

My goal is to transform my own round and curvy body into the best it can be. 

What goals do you have for your body?

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