Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 1- Starting Weight, Pics, Workout and Mealplan

Im keeping this short and sweet.

This is officially week 1 of my Choose to Lose Challenge Group. 

-I am just as committed as the ladies who joined to regaining control and losing weight.
-My goal is to lose 10 lbs by the end of this challenge and lose 3 inches off my waist.
-I will be doing CIZE in the mornings this week. I also plan to workout 2 times a week with my husband doing Body Beast.

-I got on the scale yesterday morning 8/30/15 and weighed in at 192 lbs.
      Even though I am more toned and slimmer than I was in my "fat days," I am my highest weight ever, aside from being pregnant. I gained this summer due to not making the best food selections while out vacationing, celebrating and having fun. Then on top of that, 8 weeks ago I was put on a new higher dose birth control pill. Twice the amount of hormones than I was on before.

Not happy with the extra weight, but oh well. Time to stop talking about it and get serious and take it off.

-Here is my meal plan. I will be following the Eat Up CIZE mealplan and using the Portion Fix Color Coded Containers.

-Here are my before pics taken today. I was actually liking the size and shape of my thighs and butt this summer but having bigger thighs/butt has its own set of problems. I will go more into that on Wednesdays post. But for now, my focus is own being comfortable in my jeans and these thighs didnt make the cut.

If you would like to join us, complete this form for more info on the Choose to Lose Challenge.

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