Saturday, November 12, 2016

I'm Still Here....UPDATE

I am. I'm STILL Here. It's been a good 8ish months since I took a lil break from all forms of social media.  2016 has been a challenging year for me. I'm not complaining, because it has also been a very productive year as well. However, due to stress I kinda forgot about me. My husband and I have our hands in a few projects and businesses.  Running around taking care of everything and everybody and forgot about lil ol' me. As a family, we've had a lot of fun this year including road trips, visits to Caribbean, a couple weekend getaways, bike riding, zoos, museums, festivals, the beach etc. But, I noticed that I needed to accomplish some personal goals of mine and I've actually taken this month ( I know its only the 12th) to get back to my own goals for myself.

Just yesterday, I sat and thought about what I want for me and my peace of mind. Ive been a licensed cosmetologist for 13 years now.  So hair, makeup, skin care etc have always been my first love. Yesterday, I took a lil time to pamper myself. Facial, steam treatment, foot bath, mani/pedi, brows, color, shampoo and styled my locs. Yes, I do it all myself and it took the whole day but I enjoyed giving me the time and how relaxed I was. That's for sure going back on my calendar, at least once a month.

All year, I have worked out religiously 4-5 times a week. But my weight fluctuated and even went up because of stress, work schedule changes and because our eating habits slowly changed. I took the last 4 weeks off of exercising (other than a few walks, here and there). We mapped out a plan to get back to cooking more, did some rearranging of furniture to make family exercising more doable and set some realistic goals for everyone.

I have a few new changes to my routine that I will be chatting about later and will keep you posted but overall I feel so much happier and things are looking good.

Stay tuned.... :)

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