Thursday, August 29, 2013

5 Steps to Keep You Focused on Your Fitness Goal

How focused are you on your health and fitness goals??
Usually we start off pretty focused. We are eating healthy, getting our workouts in for a few days in a row. But then something happens. We may start to skip a meal here and there or overeat. Then we may miss a workout or two in a row. Then we start to wonder, "What happened to my plans to lose weight?" We may start to lose FOCUS and motivation when we do not have an Ultimate Goal associated with our actions.

How Do You Stay Focused On Your Weight Loss Goals?

5 Steps to Keep you Focused

1.  Have a GOAL.
How much do you want to weigh? What size do you want to be in? What specific date do you plan to reach that goal?

2.  BREAK that goal down into manageable goals.
Is your ULTIMATE goal to lose 20 lbs? Its seems like a big number. However, when you break that 20 pound goal down into 1 lb a week you know that in about 5 months you will have achieved success. 1 lb a week is a very manageable and not so overwhelming goal.

3. Create a Step-by-Step Written plan on how to achieve your goals.
500 calories less a day means a deficit of 3500 a week or 1 pound loss a week. So will you reduce your calorie intake or increase your activity by 500 calories? You must make a plan to determine how you will create that deficit. A step-by-step written plan will help you to stay focused.

4.  TRACK Your Results. In order to know that you are moving in the right direction, you need to track your achievements. There are several tools that you can use to track your meals, your measurements, weight loss, calories burned etc. My faves are Teambeachbody, MyFitnessPal and journals.

There is no need to wait until you hit the ULTIMATE goal in order to reward yourself. Celebrate small success! Talk about your acheivements with others. Get a facial, buy a new pair of shoes, or clothing or better yet- put on those jeans that were too small last year. Rewarding yourself can help keep you motivated.

Always keep your ultimate goal ahead of you. You should think about your ultimate goal daily as you work through the smaller tasks to get to it. Do whatever it takes to keep your eye on it. I have a dress I want to wear in 6 weeks. So I am going to make that dress my screen saver and keep it hanging somewhere I can see it! I am also going to track my daily habits and progress so I know exactly what direction Im heading in.


I am here to help support, motivate and reward
you in your fitness journey. 
If you want help with setting goals and need help with nutrition and finding a fitness program that fits your needs email me at

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