Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Self Love Times 20

Simply put... 20 Things I LOVE About Myself
This list is whatever came to mind within 15 minutes. I felt like this was a good exercise to do to simply remember a few things that I honestly love about me.

  1. I am genuinely positive.
  2. I love that I have a good heart and honestly do to others as I want them to do to me, forreal.
  3. I'm a pretty good cook.
  4. I'm a fun mama! My kids and their friends know I rock!
  5. I am pretty creative and crafty, (not always neat) but still can come up with a good design nontheless.
  6. I have learned to take time for me, even if it is just a nap. 
  7. I have good business sense. I have had that knack since I was about 11 years old.
  8. I am loyal and value the relationships I have.
  9. I love that I can be high maintenance about my hair and skin products one moment and the next moment run out the house in sweats with my hair pulled back and shea butter on my face. 
  10. I put thought into being a good wife and mother everyday. That part of my life is not on auto-pilot.
  11. I love that I look good in most colors.
  12. I like my hair even on bad hair days.
  13. I'm curvy.
  14. I love that I'm ok with learning something new. Even if it is Minecraft, Lego Batman 2, Little Big Planet and I'm being taught by my kids.
  15. I love that I listen before I react. Great quality to have. 
  16. I love that I have a strong faith in God.
  17. I love that I know how to sew, a little bit. That skill comes in handy a lot!
  18. I love that I will do whatever it takes at any given moment to support my family.
  19. I love my legs. They're Hot!
  20. I love that I've learned to set goals for myself, set a strategy and get there.
What do you love about yourself??
Comment below or if you have a page or blog, leave the link in the comments 
so we can all check it out.

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