For those starting a new fitness program, healthy eating regimen.....
Here are a few tips to help you stick with it.
Here are a few tips to help you stick with it.
Remember to take it one day at a time. Put up a calendar and mark a big smiley face or X on your
calendar for each day you complete your workout or follow your meal plan.
Write down your daily plan and stick to it. "Today I am replacing breakfast with Shakeology and
getting my workout in at 5pm." Read and Repeat. Sometimes saying it to
yourself helps solidify your goal in your mind.
3. You may have to modify some parts of your fitness routine.-- There are two things in particular that I struggled with before doing an Insanity workout. I couldn't do a pushup and I lacked the strength for some exercises. I had to modify all the pushups by doing the "girl" pushup and the plank work I did on my knees. After a couple weeks I was strong enough to do regular pushups and the plank work became easier. These were small victories to celebrate as I pushed harder every day. Celebrate what you can do and in a few weeks, celebrate some more. :)
It's summer.--You will be going to reunions, bbqs/cookouts, baby/bridal showers, all sorts of
parties so prepare yourself because it’s so easy to blowup your hard work over
plate of food. Usually, the food is not even all that great. Here is something
I do. I eat very light before I go out to an event. So my morning or afternoon
may be a protein like eggs /yogurt and some fruit. When I get there, I tell
myself that "I already know what smothered pork chops taste like, I already
know what potato salad tastes like. I want to know what being healthy or 15 lbs
lighter feels like." Then, I choose a little more wisely.
Organize your workout attire and accessories. --There is nothing more discouraging than looking all over
the house for your gym shoes moments before you are supposed to workout. So
everyday put your shoes, towel, water bottle, hair clips and bands in a SAFE
place. That way you save time and are ready to roll when it’s time to get
6. A Fall is not a Fail.---So if you ate a slice or 3 of that caramel cake, (I hope you didn’t have 3, but if you did..) don't beat yourself up over it. Do not wait till tomorrow or next Monday to get YOU back on track. Do it now. Getting right back on track starts at your very next meal or very next workout.
Inform your household-
Let everyone know what to expect from you during your workout---NOTHING! This is
your time. Explain to them that in 1 short hour, you will
be available. It's funny how as soon as you begin to workout, everyone will
need you, your phone will ring and the dogs will need to go for a walk. Stick
to it and soon they will get it and not bother you at all.
Get Support--
Talk about your goals and challenges, ask questions, and listen to what others
are doing. If you are in a CHALLENGE
GROUP now, Fantastic because we got this one covered.
Cut off The TV-
It is so easy to get stuck in a TV program and lose sooo much TIME. My advice,
get away from the TV at least an hour before your workout time and then find
another activity that is easy to walk away from. Like I'd much rather workout
than pay bills, organize my file cabinet, or fold laundry. Putting on some
music is a good idea though because music has a way of energizing us and could
get you pumped up for your workout. Speaking
of music, why not play it loud and put on your workout gear. Your mind will be
ready to get your workout started.
10. Push Play.